
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Introducing | A Pearl Girl

In recent months, I've come to know of an amazing girl with a passion and a heart for serving others with such selfless actions all to glorify God. Her story and her project have been such an inspiration to Di and I that we knew we had to share this with all of you. Her name is Monica Rogoveanu and her project is called The Pearl Girl Project.  While I'd love to explain this beautiful story to you, Monica will do a much better job. 

Monica Rogoveanu | Pearl Girl Project 
The vision for this Pearl Project was inspired this summer 2011 on a mission trip to Moldova through Charity Cup. The beautiful story of how a pearl is produced through "suffering" was a precious lesson that God gently taught me during the Summer of 2010, as I was struggling with questions of suffering and pain of my own during the process of watching my precious mother face a vicious, painful battle with pancreatic cancer.

When God finally called my mom home after only a few short months, like Job, I found myself face to face with a God who falsely appeared to "enjoy" watching me suffer. "Why, God? Why so much pain? So much suffering? Haven't we been good Christians? Haven't we served you and done enough to make you happy? Why are you doing this to us? Why are you hurting us," I dared ask Him.

"Look at the pearl," was the still small voice that lingered in my mind.

After doing some research on the way a pearl is formed, I discovered a lesson that has traveled with me to Moldova and brought hope, healing, and encouragement not only to myself but more importantly to dozens of girls and women on this trip: God has a PURPOSE for the pain we go through. God will make something beautiful out of the pain if we patiently endure.

In a similar way, the suffering of an oyster produces a beautiful pearl. The longer this process takes, the bigger and more valuable the pearl will become.

Sharing this story with girls facing very difficult trials in Moldova was very humbling. Some had lost their mothers, as I did. Some had lost both of their parents, being raised in orphanages without the luxuries we take for granted in America. The response to the story and the pearl rings blew me away. The girls were able to open up and share some of their experiences with pain and even their frustrations with the question of suffering.

This is the beauty of the pearl: the oyster does not keep it for itself, but rather gives it away so that others can enjoy the beauty of its suffering, just like the woman gave away her ring to a friend. In a similar way, Christ suffered unimaginable pain and torment so that He could give us eternal life. In this life on earth, there will be moments of pain and suffering, maybe even extended periods that seem too impossible to ever pass through. But at the end of this suffering, there lies a great reward if we can look to God and endure.

My vision is that the Pearl Project would share Love, through financial support for the Timothy and Esther Project in Moldova. Through this project, orphans 16 years of age and older are equipped with practical life skills, housing, and the opportunity to get an education! My prayer is that the story of the pearl will not only remain in the hearts and minds of these girls and women of Moldova, but that it will continue to be shared around the world!

To purchase your very own ring please visit her Etsy shop, the Pearl Girl Boutique. These beauties are great as gifts of encouragement and remembrance that God is near and knows the ins and out of our lives, so fear not the unknown. 

Also, please visit the official Facebook fan page and hit Like! Let's help support our sister in Christ on mission in this world. 

With Love,
B + D

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
 (James 1:2-4) 

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